New Holland MegaCutter™ Triple Disc Mowers and Mower-Conditioners

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UP TO 50 ACRES PER HOUR The importance of effective and efficient conditioning is clear. MegaCutter™ mounted disc mowers and disc mower-conditioners match capacity to your imagination. 

THE COMBINATION THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU New Holland offers triple-swath productivity both with conditioning and without to fit your crops, your tractor horsepower and your budget.

DURABILITY TO HANDLE TOUGH CONDITIONS Every part of the MegaCutter™ system is ruggedly built for high-speed mowing. Keeping knives sharp is easy with the standard quick-change knife system.

ROLL OR FLAIL CONDITIONING If your crops require conditioning, MegaCutter™ disc mower-conditioners offer you the choice of gentle rubber chevron intermeshing rolls perfect for legume crops or steel V-tine flail conditioning for grass hay.

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